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Peter Sondergaard
Feb 18, 20245 min read
AI Risk is much more than Ethical AI.
So much has been written about AI Risk over the last few years. It is often assumed that AI Risk equals topics like Ethical AI, AI...
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Peter Sondergaard
Feb 15, 20244 min read
Why are Organizations Adopting AI?
AI has the potential to significantly change the outcomes for businesses, governments, and society. But why are organizations right now...
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Peter Sondergaard
Apr 11, 20234 min read
Shadow AI is now a reality! What are you doing about it?
Shadow AI, the deployment of AI by employees or functional business units, is now a full reality and needs immediate focus from executive...
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Peter Sondergaard
Mar 14, 20234 min read
AI software costs – Should they be priced similarly to the wages of employees?
If AI is already on a path to replace specific skills performed by humans, why are we still pricing AI software using size-based or...
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Peter Sondergaard
Mar 1, 20235 min read
The Skills-based organization and AI Skills
As AI matures, more and more tasks will be supported or taken over by software tools enabled by AI. This statement many will agree with....
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Peter Sondergaard
Jan 12, 20234 min read
Managing Cost Optimization & Digitalization Concurrently
Rising costs have become a key factor for organizations at a time when most are updating their existing strategy or creating a new one....
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Peter Sondergaard
Jun 15, 20225 min read
Digital Transformation - Three Actions for more Positive Outcomes
The other day I ended up with a bit of time in between a couple of calls and had a chance to finally read an article published by...
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Peter Sondergaard
May 24, 20224 min read
Personal Decision Assistants - A natural next step for AI?
From Descartes’ Automata to Alan Turing’s “can machines think?” to modern days fascination with AI-enabled Digital Humans, we have...
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Peter Sondergaard
May 5, 20217 min read
The EU Rules on Artificial Intelligence – Five actions to consider now!
For a couple of years, the EU Commission has worked on rules, regulations, and incentives around Artificial Intelligence. On April 21st,...
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Peter Sondergaard
Mar 25, 20215 min read
Turning the Digital Pyramid Upside Down
The effort to digitalize organizations has the last 15 years, been almost entirely focused on a top-down approach to digital...
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Peter Sondergaard
Feb 23, 20214 min read
Is it time to create an AI Guild in your organization?
Usage of AI in many organizations often fails to scale because too few people across the organization understand AI from a business...
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Peter Sondergaard
Feb 15, 20215 min read
Five elements of an AI business case.
More and more business executives are facing their first AI business case. Executives such as CHROs (Chief Human Resource Officers),...
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Peter Sondergaard
Nov 24, 20204 min read
Three Areas of Focus in AI for Business Managers
At some stage over the next ten years, the average leader will be responsible for a business area where they are responsible for several...
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Peter Sondergaard
Nov 24, 20203 min read
Why AI Governance is critical for Automation Projects
For several years process automation has been slowly deployed across organizations moving gradually from simple assisted robotic process...
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Peter Sondergaard
May 30, 20205 min read
You have deployed AI - Do you tell your clients?
It's a relatively simple question, but the answer is not straightforward. First, perhaps unfairly, let’s broaden the question to cover...
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Peter Sondergaard
May 11, 20204 min read
Recovery Execution - Digital Acceleration of Customer Processes
Someone the other day reminded me of the great Chinese proverb; “When the winds of change blow, some people build walls, and others build...
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Peter Sondergaard
Apr 22, 20205 min read
Recovery Execution leads to Digital Acceleration
Anyone who has ever been to the beach may have found themselves sitting and slowly pouring sand from your hand into a pile of sand. If...
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Peter Sondergaard
Apr 8, 20204 min read
Recovery Execution – The next phase of Crisis Planning
We need to move to the next phase, Recovery Planning & Execution (RPE). That does not negate the enormous humanitarian and economic...
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Peter Sondergaard
Mar 23, 20204 min read
10 Critical Leadership Skills in a Time of Crisis
One of my passions has always been observing leaders and how successful leaders react in situations of stress and crisis. While our...
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Peter Sondergaard
Mar 18, 20203 min read
Multinational AI Governance – The threat of "Balkanization of AI."
Governments and multinational institutions are racing to create principals, laws, and regulations for artificial intelligence and machine...
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